Dr. Thomas Dunker
was staying in St.Petersburg from 26.10.1997 to 10.11.1997.
Application for participation in the EIMI program
I. Western participant(s)
1) family name Dunker
2) given name(s) Thomas
3) degree, title(s) Ph.D. student
4) affiliation Schiller Universitaet
5) position Graduirenkolleg
6) mailing address Ernst Abbe Platz, 1- 4
Mathemat. Fakultaet
Schiller Universitaet
07743, Jena, Germany
7) e-mail address dunker@minet.uni-jena.de
8) phone number
9) FAX number
II. Russian participant(s)
1) family name Lifshits
2) given name Michail
3) patronimic Anatolievich
4) degree, title(s) Doctor Phys.Math.Sci.
5) affiliation Menkomtekh Cemtre, SPbSU
6) position Professor
7) mailing address 197372 Komendantsky 22-2-49
8) e-mail address mikhail@lifshits.spb.su
9) phone number 349-77-17
10) FAX number 234-56-33
III. Subject of joint work (a few phrases)
We plan to contnue the investigation of multiparametric
Gaussian processes using entropy methods and Levy-Cieselsky
expansions. From probabilistic point of view our goal is to
evaluate the probabilities of the small deviations of the
process while analytical aspect consists of the entropy
estimation for the balls in Sobolev spaces of functions of
several variables.
IV. Desired duration 14 days/weeks/month in the period
from 24.10 to 14.11.