Prof. Jose Francisco Rodrigues

was staying in St.Petersburg from 31.08.1997 to 9.09.1997

            Application for participation in the EIMI program                
                         TETE-A-TETE IN RUSSIA

 I. Western participant(s)
 1) last name                     Rodrigues
 2) given name(s)                 Jose Francisco 
 3) citizenship                   Portugal
 4) degree, title(s)              Doctor,Professor
 5) affiliation                   University of Lisbon, Faculty of Sciences
 6) position                      Professor of University of Lisbon
 7) mailing address               Prof.Cama Pinto, 2, 
                                   Lisbon, Portugal
 8) e-mail address         
 9) phone number                  +351 1 7504700 (ext 4327)    
 10) FAX number                   +351 1 7964288   
 II. Russian participant(s)     
 1) family name                   Ivanov    
 2) given name                    Alexander
 3) patronymic                    Vasilievich
 4) degree, title(s)              Doctor, Professor
 5) affiliation                   PDMI of the RAS 
 6) position                      Leading Scient.research 
 7) mailing address               PDMI, Fontanka 27, St.-Petersburg, 197011      
 8) e-mail address        
 9) phone number                  007 812 2104991  
 10) FAX number                   007 812 3105377
 III. Subject and form of proposed joint work: 
        Investigations on the problem of existense and uniqueness of 
        weak solution of problems with obstecles for elliptic-parabolic

 IV. Desired duration:
        10 days , 31 August- 9 September, 1997.