Workshop on Computer Algebra
in Scientific Computing (CASC-98)
April 20-24, 1998
Saint-Petersburg, Russia
The workshop will cover all aspects of the use of computer algebra and symbolic computation in scientific computing including both theory and applications. Among topics of particular interest they are:
Workshop co-chairs
:Ernst Mayr (Munich)
Program Committee :
Local Organizing Committee : |
Evgenii Vorozhtsov (Novosibirsk, co-chair) |
Alexander Skopin (co-chair) |
Christoph Zenger (Munich, co-chair) |
Nikolay Vassiliev (co-chair) |
Victor Edneral (Moscow) |
Sergey Baranov |
Victor Ganzha (Munich) |
Vitaliy Mysovskikh |
Gaston Gonnet (Zurich) |
Elena Novikova (secretary) |
Gert-Martin Greuel (Kaiserslautern) |
Stanly Steinberg (Albuquerque) |
Yuri Matiyasevich (St.Petersburg) |
Vitaliy Mysovskikh (St.Petersburg) |
Alexander Skopin (St.Petersburg) |
Nikolay Vassiliev (St.Petersburg) |
Volker Weispfenning (Passau) |
Only electronic submissions are acceptable. Send a full paper, or an extended abstract, (either should contain a one page abstract) with the complete address and affiliation of a contact person, either in LaTeX format or as a PostScript file to :
Deadline for submission:
February 1, 1998 : |
Submission of the full paper (up to 20 pages) |
March 15, 1998 : |
Notification of acceptance |
May 20, 1998 : |
Submission of the final version |
Further Information: