Information about the Conference
Main topics of the conference include:
quantum field theory,
classical and quantum integrable systems,
representation theory and quantum groups.
The conference is organized by St.Petersburg Department
of V.A. Steklov Institute of Mathematics (PDMI) and
Euler International Mathematical Institute (EIMI) and will be held at the EIMI
The conference is supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research
and by the Dynasty Foundation
The speakers will include:
Irina Arefeva (MIAN, Russia)
Olivier Babelon (U. Pierre et Marie Curie, France)
Alexander Bobenko (TU-Berlin, Germany)
Mo-Lin Ge (Nankai U., China)
Alexander Its (Indiana U., USA)
Roman Jackiw (MIT, USA)
Rinat Kashaev (Geneva U., Switzerland)
Igor Krichever (Columbia U., USA)
Vladimir Korepin (SUNY Stony Brook, USA) *
Antti Kupiainen (Helsinki U., Finland)
Vladimir Matveev (U. Bourgogne, France)
Tetsuji Miwa (Kyoto U., Japan)
Pavel Mnev (PDMI, Russia)
Andre Neveu (U. Montpellier, France)
Antti Niemi (U. Tours, France)
Sergei Novikov (U. Maryland, USA) *
Nicolai Reshetikhin (Berkeley U., USA)
Robert Schrader (FU-Berlin, Germany)
Ruedi Seiler (TU-Berlin, Germany)
Michel Semenov-Tian-Shansky (U. Bourgogne, France)
Andrei Slavnov (MIAN, Russia)
Evgeny Sklyanin (York U., UK)
Fedor Smirnov (U. Pierre et Marie Curie, France)
Stanislav Smirnov (Geneva U., Switzerland) *
Vyacheslav Spiridonov (JINR, Russia)
Alexei Reyman (U. Lyon, France) *
Vitaly Tarasov (Indiana U., USA)
Jorg Teschner (DESY, Germany)
Alexander Vasiliev (U. Bergen, Norway)
Alexei Venkov (Aarhus U., Denmark) *
Alexander Volkov (PDMI, Russia)
* - to be confirmed
Organizing committee:
Petr Kulish (PDMI, Russia), Co-Chair
Leon Takhtajan (Stony Brook University, USA), Co-Chair
Andrei Bytsko (PDMI, Russia)
Sergei Derkachov (PDMI, Russia)
Samson Shatashvili (Hamilton Mathematics Institute, Ireland)
Nadia Zalesskaya (EIMI, Russia), Secretary
Program committee:
Anton Alekseev (Geneva University, Switzerland)
Ludwig Faddeev (EIMI, PDMI, Russia)
Sergey Kisliakov (PDMI, Russia)
Contact: mpppf2014@gmail.com