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Polynomial Computer Algebra '2012April 23-28, 2012Euler International Mathematical Institute,
FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT and CALL FOR PAPERSPOSTERThe Euler International Mathematical Institute and St. Petersburg Department of Steklov Institute of Mathematics RAS are organizing the 5th Annual International Conference POLYNOMIAL COMPUTER ALGEBRA'2012 to be held April 23-28, 2012 in Saint Petersburg, Russia. PROGRAM COMMITTEEB.Buchberger (Schloss Hagenberg, Austria), V. Edneral (Moscow, Russia), V.Gerdt (Dubna, Russia), P.Gianni (Pisa, Italy), D.Grigoriev (Lille, France),A.Khovansky (Toronto,Canada), I.Kotsireas (Waterloo, Canada), A.Myllari (Turku, Finland), V.Pan (New York, USA), L.Robbiano (Genova, Italy), D. Stefanescu (Bukharest, Romania), N.Vasiliev (St. Petersburg, Russia), A. Vershik (St. Petresburg, Russia), S.Watt (Western Ontario, Canada)..LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEEN. Vasiliev(Chair), E. Novikova, T. Vinogradova (secretary), N. Zalesskaya (secretary)MAIN SUBJECTSGroebner bases, combinatorics of monomial orderings, differential bases, involutive algorithms, computational algebraic geometry, D-modules, polynomial differential operators, parallelization of algorithms, algorithms of tropical mathematics, quantum computing, cryptography, matrix algorithms,complexity of algorithms and othersThe program will consist of 50 min plenary talks, 25-min
SUBMISSION OF ABSTRACTS AND TALKSIf you wish to give a talk, please, submit an abstract and/or extended (up to four pages, (both TeX & a PDF files (!)) to pca@imi.ras.ru before March 25. For more details see the Conference site (see below) A collection of abstracts will be published before the Conference.REGISTRATION AND VISA INFORMATIONIn order to register for the Conference you should complete an online registration form http://www.pdmi.ras.ru/EIMI/2012/pca/app.html. DEADLINE for REGISTRATION is 25 MARCH. Please, take into account that getting a visa is a time consuming process! REGISTRATION FEE is 200 Euro.For Russian participants the registration fee will be partly covered by RFBR grant. CONFERENCE WEBSITEFor more information about the Conference see http://www.pdmi.ras.ru/EIMI/2012/pca/index.htmlDo not hesitate to contact the organizers via e-mail: pca@imi.ras.ru. |