Constructive Nonsmooth Analysis and Related Topics

June 18-23 , 2012,

Euler International Mathematical Institute,
St. Petersburg, RUSSIA


Dear participants of the Conference CNSA-2012!

The Conference Program gives you a possibility to visit some famous places in St. Petersburg.
You are welcome to take part in the following excursions:

1. 2-hour journey by boat along canals and rivers of SPB - 19.06.2012, time: 18.20 - 20.20.
Departure from the Euler Institute, debarking at the city center - the Nevski prospekt .
Price of the ticket: 500 Rb (13 Euros)

2. Excursion to Peterhof by bus 21.06.2012, time: 10.00 -- 18.00
Departure from the Euler Institute - via the Dam, Kronstadt
Parks and fountains of Peterhof
Price of the ticket - 320 Rb (9 Euros), entrance ticket to the parks - 380 rub (for foreign citizens), 180 rub (Russian citizens)

Conference dinner at "Dom Aktyora" (address: Nevsky, 86)

You are invited to fill in the attached form by 25 May
The excursions are to be paid at Registration.