Scientific Committee
Konstantin Kholshevnikov (St. Petersburg), co-chair
Nikolay Vassiliev (St. Petersburg), co-chair
Yuri Batrakov (St. Petersburg)
Victor Orlov (St. Petersburg)
Ivan Shevchenko (St. Petersburg)
Carles Simo (Barcelona)
Mauri Valtonen (Turku)
Andrzej Maciejewski (France)
Alessandro Morbidelli (Nice)
Sylvio Ferraz-Mello (Brazil)
Vladislav Sidorenko (Moscow)
Alexandr Myllari (Turku, Grenada)
Jacques Laskar (Paris)
Sergei Klioner (Dresden)
Organizing Committee
Konstantin Kholshevnikov (co-chair)
N.Vassiliev (co-chair)
Nadia Zaleskaya (secretary)
Tatiana Vinogradova (secretary)
qualitative methods of celestial mechanics
Hamiltonian mechanics
few-body problem
exact solutions
stability and bifurcation analysis
integrability in classical and celestial mechanics
KAM theory
topology of integral manifolds and phase portraits
dynamics of stellar systems
motion of planets and satellites in the Solar system
interactions between analytical methods and numerical simulations
methods of symbolic dynamics
modern trends in KAM theory
symplectic methods
motion in planetary and satellite systems
Please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail: pca at imi.ras.ru