Juhani Karhumaki (University of Turku)
Yuri Matiyasevich (Steklov Institute, St.Petersburg)
Contact Information
by Email: RusFin[AT]logic.pdmi.ras.ru
How to reach the Euler Institute
from metro station "Petrogradskaya":
two stops by trolleybus 34, or by bus 1, 46, or by minibuses (you
should ask to stop before the Kamennoostrovski most(bridge)) 46, 76,
127, 252, 298, 346;
from metro station "Chernaya Rechka":
two stops by tram 40, bus 1 and 46, or trolleybus 34 or by minibuses
46, 76, 98, 127, 252, 298, 346, 690 (you should ask to stop after the
Kamennoostrovski most(bridge)) and 321 (you should ask to stop near the
Byazemski garden);
from metro station "Chkalovskaya": by minibus 98, 321 or by bus 1.