International conference

Methods of Logic in Mathematics

St.Petersburg, 2005                                        July 18-24, 2005


July 18, Monday



Registration, Coffee break  


Welcoming address by Anatoly Vershik


Zlil Sela Diophantine geometry over groups and the elementary theory of a free group I


Simon Thomas Borel equivalence relations and classification problems for countable structures I


Coffee break 


Marat Arslanov Applications of completeness criterions to questions of computational complexity and randomness


Vladimir Tolstykh On the Bergman property for the automorphism groups of relatively free groups


July 19, Tuesday


10:00 - 10:50

Zlil Sela Diophantine geometry over groups and the elementary theory of a free group II

10:50 – 11:10

Coffee break 


11:10 - 12:00

Simon Thomas Borel equivalence relations and classification problems for countable structures II

12:00 - 14:00


14:00 - 14:50

Wilfrid Hodges Model theory of pairs of abelian groups endlongtable

15:00 - 15:50

Ilia Ponomarenko Variations on the Burnside-Schur theorem

15:50 - 16:20

Coffee break  

16:20 - 17:10

Andrey Bovykin New model-theoretic unprovability proofs for Peano Arithmetic

17:20 - 18:10

Andreas Weiermann Phase transitions in logic and combinatorics endlongtable


July 20, Wednesday


10:00 - 10:50

Zlil Sela Diophantine geometry over groups and the elementary theory of a free group III

10:50 – 11:10

Coffee break 


11:10 - 12:00

Simon Thomas Borel equivalence relations and classification problems for countable structures III

12:00 - 14:00


14:00 - 14:50

Boris Zilber Zariski Geometries: from classical to quantum

15:00 - 15:50

Anatoly Vershik Globalization of the partial isomorphisms

15:50 - 16:20

Coffee break  

16:20 - 17:10

Misha Gavrilovich On the Model Theory of Universal Covering Spaces of Complex Algebraic Varieties

17:20 - 18:10

Igor Lysenok A view on Makanin--Razborov process




Thursday, July 21


A trip to Peterhoff, starts at 10:00 from the Euler Institute




July 22, Friday


10:00 - 10:50

Zlil Sela Diophantine geometry over groups and the elementary theory of a free group IV

10:50 – 11:10

Coffee break 


11:10 - 12:00

Nikolai Vereschagin Computational Complexity I

12:00 - 14:00


14:00 - 14:50

Bart Kastermans and Yi Zhang Cardinal Invariants Related to Permutation Groups

15:00 - 15:50

Jose Iovino The Maximality of Continuous Logic

15:50 - 16:20

Coffee break  

16:20 - 17:10

Meeri Kesälä (Viljanen) Finitary abstract elementary classes

17:20 - 18:10

Evgeniy Gordon Some applications of approximations of infinite groups by finite ones


July 23, Saturday


10:00 - 10:50

Zlil Sela Diophantine geometry over groups and the elementary theory of a free group V

10:50 – 11:10

Coffee break 


11:10 - 12:00

Nikolai Vereschagin Computational Complexity II

12:00 - 14:00


14:00 - 14:50

Neil Thapen1 induction and ∑1 collection

15:00 - 15:50

Iskander Kalimullin On the problems of definability in the enumeration degrees

15:50 - 16:20

Coffee break  

16:20 - 17:10

Ilya Kazachkov Axiomatisation and decidability of the universal theory of a free metabelian Lie algebra

17:20 - 17:45

Michael Benedikt, Characterizations of topological queries in  Spatial Databases

17:45 - 18:10

G.Litvinov, V.Maslov, G.Shpiz, Dequantization, logic and fuzzy sets endlongtable


July 24, Sunday


10:00 - 10:50

Zlil Sela Diophantine geometry over groups and the elementary theory of a free group VI

10:50 – 11:10

Coffee break 


11:10 - 12:00

Nikolai Vereschagin Computational Complexity III

12:00 - 14:00