July 3 - 8, 2003 Saint Petersburg, Russia |
Euler International Mathematical Institute
July 3, Thursday
10.30 |
Plenary Session (Chairman: M.
11.00-12.00 |
Yu. Brudnyi, Nonlinear Approximation-Results and
Problems |
Coffee break |
12.30-13.30 |
S. Konyagin, Convergence of Greedy Approximation |
Session (A): WAVELETS (Chairman: H. Mhaskar)
16.30-16.50 |
M. Rossini, On the error evaluation of a multidimensional MRA based on polyharmonic splines (joint presentation with B. Bacchelli and M. Bozzini) |
16.55-17.15 |
V. Zheludev, Spline subdivision schemes (joint
presentation with A. Averbuch) |
17.20-17.40 |
A. Pevnyi, Riesz wavelet bases in the space |
17.50-18.10 |
V. Babenko, About some construction of the non-separable wavelets (joint presentation
with A. Ligun and A. Shumeiko) |
18.15-18.35 |
I. Novikov, Biorthogonal compactly supported wavelets |
Session (B): SPLINES (Chairman: Yu. Demjanovich)
16.30-17.15 |
V. Miroshnichenko, Quadratic histosplines: algorithms and exact error bounds |
17.20-18.05 |
V. Zastavnyi, About some properties radial basis
Buhmanns functions |
18.10-18.30 |
R. Trigub, Positive definite finite splines and
approximation with linear combinations of their shifts |
Session (D): RELATED TOPICS (Chairman: S. Konyagin)
16.30-17.15 |
Z. Ditzian, Averages and smoothness on the sphere |
17.20-17.40 |
V. Maiorov, On Best Approximation of Classes by
Radial Functions |
17.45-18.05 |
V. Filippov, Perturbation of function systems in
L1(0,1) |
18.15-18.35 |
M. Skriganov, Harmonic analysis on totally
disconnected groups and irregularities of point distributions |
18.45 |
Welcome party
July 4, Friday
Plenary Session (Chairman: Yu. Brudnyi)
10.00-11.00 |
M. Unser, The spline
foundation of wavelet theory |
Coffee break |
11.30-12.30 |
N. Dyn, Non-linear
subdivisdion schemes |
12.40-13.25 |
A. Ligun, On non-separable
wavelets and it's application (joint presentation with V. Babenko and A.
Shumeiko) |
Session (A): FRAMES (Chairman: A. Petukhov)
15.30-16.15 |
L. Rebollo-Neira,
Compressing overcomplete representations |
16.20-16.40 |
M. Bespalov, Tight frame of co-rank one |
16.45-17.05 |
M. Fornasier,
Interpolation of Banach spaces by means of Gabor-wavelets frames |
Coffee break |
17.30-17.50 |
T. Rodionov, On frame
coeffcients and expansions of |
17.55-18.15 |
V. Dolnikov, Frames and
bases generated by Fourier window transform (joint presentation with N.
Strelkov) |
Session (B): SPLINES (Chairman: V. Miroshnichenko)
15.30-16.15 |
N. Strelkov, On a class of spline-type functions |
16.20-16.40 |
B. Kvasov, On constructing
polyharmonic tension splines |
16.45-17.05 |
U. Hamarik, On projection
methods for ill-posed problems with a posteriori choice of the dimension of
spline or wavelet subspaces |
Coffee break |
Yu. Volkov, On convergence
of derivatives of odd-degree spline interpolation and de Boor's problem |
Session (C): ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS (Chairman: V. Zheludev)
15.30-15.50 |
V. Katkovnik, Image deblurring using LPA and wavelets |
15.55-16.15 |
Z. Kalab, Description of
seismic events using wavelet decomposition |
16.20-16.40 |
M. Tchobanou, Synthesis of two-dimensional filetr
banks and wavelet functions (joint presentation with O. Bolshakova) |
16.45-17.05 |
R. Kazinnik, Image
compression approach aimed at reducing the Hausdorff distance (joint
presentation with N. Dyn) |
Coffee break |
17.40-18.00 |
O. Bolshakova, Synthesis
of Multi-Dimentional Filter Banks |
Poster Session
18.15-19.00 |
M. Laaksonen, Wavelet based seasonal adjustment and business cyclesM. Strintzis, The Use of Wavelets in the JPEG 2000 Image Coding World StandardR. Sych, The study of two-dimensional images of the solar coronal loops with use of wavelet analysis, The development of analogue a mathematical package Wavelet Toolbox (MATLAB) on algorithmic language IDLM. Tchobanou, Synthesis of two-dimensional filetr banks and wavelet functions (joint presentation with O. Bolshakova)T. Toradze, To be announcedSamsonova, To be announced V. Zverev, An adaptive wavelet scheme for numerical simulations of the domain walls motion in magnetics |
July 5, Saturday
Plenary Session (Chairman: S.
9.30-10.30 |
P. Wojtaszczyk,
Projections and nonlinear approximation in the space |
V. Temlyakov, To be announced |
Coffee break |
12.05-12.50 |
V. Protassov, Refinement
equations and corresponding linear operators |
12.55-13.40 |
H. Mhaskar, Analysis of data at scattered sites on
the sphere |
Session (A): WAVELETS (Chairman: I. Novikov)
15.30-16.15 |
V. Malozemov, Ahmed-Rao bases and wavelet
expansions (joint presentation with A. Korovkin and S. Masharsky) |
16.20-16.40 |
Kozlov, Wavelet-based algorithms for pattern recognition |
16.45-17.05 |
A. Askari Hemmat, Polynomial wavelet-type
expansions on the sphere (joint presentation with M. Skopina) |
Coffee break |
17.30-17.50 |
Yu. Farkov, On the construction of orthogonal
wavelets |
17.55-18.15 |
V. Slavskii, The equation of self-similarity for
final cyclic group |
Session (D): RELATED TOPICS (Chairman: Z. Ditzian)
15.30-15.50 |
N. Kruglyak, To be announced |
15.55-16.15 |
V. Ovchinnikov, On description of interpolation
orbits |
16.20-16.40 |
Reinov, To be announced |
16.45-17.05 |
Fedorovski, Approximation by polyanalytic functions |
Coffee break |
17-30-17.50 |
Rzaev, Approximation theory on compact groups |
17.55-18.15 |
O. Kuznetsova, Spherical convergence in L of
special multiple trigonometric series |
Special Session on Bivariate Splines (Chairman: Z. Ziegler)
15.30-16.00 |
Yu. Demjanovich, Wavelet expansion in the case of irregular nets |
16.05-16.35 |
H. Strauss, Interpolation and Approximation with Splines and related Functions |
16.40-17.10 |
A. Shumeiko, Nearly interpolation spline of two variable and their application (joint presentation with V. Babenko and A. Ligun) |
Coffee break |
A. Bejancu, Semi-cardinal interpolation with box-splines on the three-direction mesh |
J. Kobza, Mean values interpolating quadratic splines |
19.30 |
July 6, Sunday
Session (A): WAVELET METHODS (Chairman: V. Temlyakov)
16.30-16.50 |
L. Pezza, On some applications of certain new
wavelet bases |
16-55-17.15 |
Perel, Localized Solution of the Wave Equation as a Mother Wavelet (joint
presentation with M. Sidorenko) |
17.20-17.40 |
M. Toma, Problems of generating wavelets similar
to test functions |
M. Laaksonen, Wavelet
based seasonal adjustment and business cycles |
18.15-18.35 |
V. Zakharov, Building wavelets and framelets
adapted to differential operators (joint presentation with O. Ipanov) |
18.40-19.00 |
I. Abdallah, The Wavelet Solution for The Linear
First Order Integrodifferential Equation Of Convolution type |
(Chairman: V. Katkovnik)
16.30-16.50 |
M. Lo Cascio, Wavelets and spline for vertical scratches removal in old images |
16.55-17.15 |
L. Novikov, Wavelet expansions with uncorrelated
scaling coeffcients (joint presentation with M. Skopina) |
17.20-17.40 |
A. Krotov, Wavelet-based video codec |
M. Smirnov, Realization of algorithm of
compensation of noises with dissimmetrical spectrum using DSP TMS320C6414 |
I. Khalidov, Adaptive video compression based on
wavelet transforms |
Special Session on Bivariate Splines (Chairman: H. Strauss)
16.30-17.00 |
P. Costantini, On a new class of spline functions |
17.05-17.35 |
P. Sablonniere, Scale equation and subdivision
algorithm for quadratic B-splines on non-uniform criss-cross triangulations |
17.40-18.10 |
C. Manni, On quasi-interpolants based on bivariate
splines (joint presentation with P. Costantini, O. Davydov and P.
Sablonniere) |
18.15-18.45 |
C. Dagnino, Error analysis for quadratic spline
quasi-interpolants on non uniform criss-cross triangulations of bounded
rectangular domains (joint presentation with P. Sablonniere) |
Coffee break
Special lecture "Memoirs of Kolmogorov"
19.15-19.45 |
V. Videnskii |
July 7, Monday
Plenary Session (Chairman: P. Wojtaszczyk)
9-30-10.30 |
B. Kashin, To be announced |
10.40-11.25 |
N. Chernykh, Orthogonal wavelets bases of |
Coffee break |
V. Zhuk, Precise Jackson-type inequalities for
linear methods of spline approximation of differentiable functions (joint
presentation with O. Vinogradov) |
12.50-13.35 |
V. Olshevsky, To be announced |
Session (A): WAVELETS (Chairman: N. Dyn)
15.30-16.15 |
M. Skopina, Periodic wavelets |
16.20-16.40 |
R. Khabibouline, Polynomial Schauder bases for the
space C[-1,1] with a generalized Chebyshev orthogonality |
16.45-17.05 |
D. Tanana, Convergence speed of Fourier series on
Y. Meyer's wavelet system in spaces |
Coffee break |
E. Santi, Recent results on refinable bases on the
interval (joint presentation with L. Gori and L. Pezza) |
I. Maximenko, Non-separate wavelets for two
channel system |
M. Dehghan, Polynomial wavelet-type expansions on
the ball (joint presentation with M. Skopina) |
(Chairman: M. Tchobanou)
15.30-15.50 |
V. Labounets, Color Wavelet-Haar-Prometheus transforms for image processing (joint presentation with A. Maidan) |
15.55-16.15 |
G. Por, Filtering with wavelet causes aliasing is
spectral estimation of signal processing |
16.20-16.40 |
A. Gotchev, Optimization Techniques in Designing
Piece-wise Polynomial Interpolators of Minimal Support (joint presentation
with K. Egiazarian) |
16.45-17.05 |
A. Maidan, Colour triplet-valued wavelets and
splines (joint presentation with V. Labounets) |
Coffee break
Session (D): RELATED TOPICS (Chairman: V. Ovchinnikov)
17.40-18.00 |
S. De Marchi, Related Topics in Approximation Theory |
18.05-18.25 |
G. Moiseenko, To be announced |
18.30-18.50 |
H. Akca, Discrete Counterparts of Continuous-time
Additive |
18.55-19.15 |
To be announced |
Special Session on Bivariate Splines (Chairman: P. Sablonniere)
15.30-16.00 |
Z. Ziegler, Data Interpolation by Splines on Triangulations |
16.05-16.35 |
A. Grebennikov, Regularizating Filtration of Discrete Data by Splines |
Coffee break |
C. Conti, On a new class of bivariate convolved refinable bases (joint presentation with L. Gori) |
F. Zeilfelder, Data Interpolation by Splines on Triangulations (joint presentation with O. Davydov) |
A. Sestini, Local Hybrid Approximation for Scattered Data Fitting based on Splines (joint presentation with O. Davydov) |
O. Davydov, Approximation of scattered data by direct extension of local approximations |