July 3 - 8, 2003 Saint Petersburg, Russia |
July 3, Thursday
St. Petersburg Department of V.A.Steklov Institute of Mathematics
10.30 |
Plenary Session (Chairman: M.
11.00-12.00 |
Yu. Brudnyi, Nonlinear Approximation-Results and
Problems |
Coffee break |
12.30-13.30 |
S. Konyagin, Convergence of Greedy Approximation |
Euler International Mathematical Institute
Session (A): WAVELETS (Chairman: H. Mhaskar)
16.30-16.50 |
M. Rossini, On the error evaluation of a multidimensional MRA based on polyharmonic splines (joint presentation with B. Bacchelli and M. Bozzini) |
16.55-17.15 |
V. Zheludev, Spline subdivision schemes (joint
presentation with A. Averbuch) |
17.20-17.40 |
A. Pevnyi, Riesz wavelet bases in the space |
17.50-18.10 |
V. Babenko, About some construction of the non-separable wavelets (joint presentation
with A. Ligun and A. Shumeiko) |
18.15-18.35 |
I. Novikov, Biorthogonal compactly supported wavelets |
Session (B): SPLINES (Chairman: B. Kvasov)
16.30-17.15 |
V. Miroshnichenko, Quadratic histosplines: algorithms and exact error bounds |
17.20-17.40 |
R. Trigub, Positive definite finite splines and
approximation with linear combinations of their shifts |
17.45-18.05 |
V. Zastavnyi, About some properties radial basis
Buhmanns functions |
Session (D): RELATED TOPICS (Chairman: S. Konyagin)
16.30-17.15 |
Z. Ditzian, Averages and smoothness on the sphere |
17.20-17.40 |
V. Maiorov, On Best Approximation of Classes by
Radial Functions |
17.45-18.05 |
M. Skriganov, Harmonic analysis on totally
disconnected groups and irregularities of point distributions |
18.45 |
Welcome party
July 4, Friday
Euler International Mathematical Institute
Plenary Session (Chairman: Yu. Brudnyi)
10.00-11.00 |
M. Unser, The spline
foundation of wavelet theory |
Coffee break |
11.30-12.30 |
N. Dyn, Non-linear
subdivisdion schemes |
12.40-13.25 |
A. Ligun, On non-separable
wavelets and it's application (joint presentation with V. Babenko and A.
Shumeiko) |
Session (A): FRAMES (Chairman: A. Petukhov)
15.30-16.15 |
L. Rebollo-Neira,
Compressing overcomplete representations |
16.20-16.40 |
M. Bespalov, Tight frame of co-rank one |
16.45-17.05 |
M. Fornasier,
Interpolation of Banach spaces by means of Gabor-wavelets frames |
Coffee break |
17.30-17.50 |
T. Rodionov, On frame
coeffcients and expansions of |
17.55-18.15 |
Session (B): SPLINES (Chairman: V. Miroshnichenko)
15.30-16.15 |
B. Kvasov, On constructing polyharmonic tension splines |
16.20-16.40 |
Yu. Volkov, On convergence
of derivatives of odd-degree spline interpolation and de Boor's problem |
16.45-17.05 |
U. Hamarik, On projection
methods for ill-posed problems with a posteriori choice of the dimension of
spline or wavelet subspaces |
Coffee break |
Session (C): ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS (Chairman: V. Zheludev)
15.30-15.50 |
V. Katkovnik, Image deblurring using LPA and wavelets |
15.55-16.15 |
Z. Kalab, Description of
seismic events using wavelet decomposition |
16.20-16.40 |
O. Bolshakova, Synthesis of Multi-Dimentional Filter
Banks |
16.45-17.05 |
R. Kazinnik, Image
compression approach aimed at reducing the Hausdorff distance (joint
presentation with N. Dyn) |
Coffee break |
17.40-18.00 |
M. Tchobanou, Synthesis of
two-dimensional filetr banks and wavelet functions (joint presentation with
O. Bolshakova) |
Poster Session
18.15-19.00 |
M. Laaksonen, Wavelet based seasonal adjustment and business cyclesM. Strintzis, The Use of Wavelets in the JPEG 2000 Image Coding World StandardR. Sych, The study of two-dimensional images of the solar coronal loops with use of wavelet analysis, The development of analogue a mathematical package Wavelet Toolbox (MATLAB) on algorithmic language IDLM. Tchobanou, Synthesis of two-dimensional filetr banks and wavelet functions (joint presentation with O. Bolshakova)Samsonova, To be announced V. Zverev, An adaptive wavelet scheme for numerical simulations of the domain walls motion in magnetics |
July 5, Saturday
Euler International Mathematical Institute
Plenary Session (Chairman: S.
9.30-10.30 |
P. Wojtaszczyk,
Projections and nonlinear approximation in the space |
V. Temlyakov, Nonlinear methods in the trigonometric approximation |
Coffee break |
12.05-12.50 |
V. Protassov, Refinement
equations and corresponding linear operators |
12.55-13.40 |
H. Mhaskar, Analysis of data at scattered sites on
the sphere |
Session (A): WAVELETS (Chairman: I. Novikov)
15.30-16.15 |
V. Malozemov, Ahmed-Rao bases and wavelet
expansions (joint presentation with A. Korovkin and S. Masharsky) |
16.20-16.40 |
Kozlov, Wavelet-based algorithms for pattern recognition |
16.45-17.05 |
A. Askari Hemmat, Polynomial wavelet-type
expansions on the sphere (joint presentation with M. Skopina) |
Coffee break |
17.30-17.50 |
Yu. Farkov, On the construction of orthogonal
wavelets |
Session (D): RELATED TOPICS (Chairman: Z. Ditzian)
15.30-15.50 |
T. Toradze, Maxima values of sums of Fourier coefficients of characteristic functions |
15.55-16.15 |
V. Ovchinnikov, On description of interpolation
orbits |
16.20-16.40 |
Reinov, Approximation properties AP(l_p) and
l_p-factorizations of operators |
16.45-17.05 |
Brudni, Tangential markov Inequalities on exponential curves |
Coffee break |
17-30-17.50 |
Rzaev, Approximation theory on compact groups |
17.55-18.15 |
O. Kuznetsova, Spherical convergence in L of
special multiple trigonometric series |
Special Session on Bivariate Splines (Chairman: Z. Ziegler)
15.30-16.00 |
Yu. Demyanovich, Finite-element approximation on manifolds |
16.05-16.35 |
H. Strauss, Interpolation and Approximation with Splines and related Functions |
16.40-17.10 |
A. Shumeiko, Nearly interpolation spline of two variable and their application (joint presentation with V. Babenko and A. Ligun) |
Coffee break |
A. Bejancu, Semi-cardinal interpolation with box-splines on the three-direction mesh |
J. Kobza, Mean values interpolating quadratic splines |
19.30 |
July 6, Sunday
Euler International Mathematical Institute
Session (A): WAVELET METHODS (Chairman: V. Temlyakov)
16-55-17.15 |
Perel, Localized Solution of the Wave Equation as a Mother Wavelet (joint
presentation with M. Sidorenko) |
17.20-17.40 |
M. Toma, Problems of generating wavelets similar
to test functions |
M. Laaksonen, Wavelet
based seasonal adjustment and business cycles |
18.15-18.35 |
V. Zakharov, Building wavelets and framelets
adapted to differential operators (joint presentation with O. Ipanov) |
(Chairman: V. Katkovnik)
16.30-16.50 |
M. Lo Cascio, Wavelets and spline for vertical scratches removal in old images |
16.55-17.15 |
L. Novikov, Wavelet expansions with uncorrelated
scaling coeffcients (joint presentation with M. Skopina) |
17.20-17.40 |
A. Krotov, Wavelet-based video codec |
M. Smirnov, Realization of algorithm of
compensation of noises with dissimmetrical spectrum using DSP TMS320C6414 |
I. Khalidov, Adaptive video compression based on
wavelet transforms |
Special Session on Bivariate Splines (Chairman: H. Strauss)
16.30-17.00 |
P. Costantini, On a new class of spline functions |
17.05-17.35 |
P. Sablonniere, Scale equation and subdivision
algorithm for quadratic B-splines on non-uniform criss-cross triangulations |
17.40-18.10 |
C. Manni, Quasi-interpolantion on Powell-Sabin
Portitions (joint presentation with P. Sablonniere) |
18.15-18.45 |
C. Dagnino, Error analysis for quadratic spline
quasi-interpolants on non uniform criss-cross triangulations of bounded
rectangular domains (joint presentation with P. Sablonniere) |
Coffee break
Special lecture "Memoirs of Kolmogorov"
19.15-19.45 |
V. Videnskii |
July 7, Monday
Euler International Mathematical Institute
Plenary Session (Chairman: P. Wojtaszczyk)
9-30-10.30 |
B. Kashin, Frames as a part of orthogonal series theory |
10.40-11.25 |
N. Chernykh, Orthogonal wavelets bases of |
Coffee break |
V. Zhuk, Precise Jackson-type inequalities for
linear methods of spline approximation of differentiable functions (joint
presentation with O. Vinogradov) |
12.50-13.35 |
V. Olshevsky, Potpourri on fast algorithms |
Session (A): WAVELETS (Chairman: N. Dyn)
15.30-16.15 |
M. Skopina, Periodic wavelets |
16.20-16.40 |
R. Khabibouline, Polynomial Schauder bases for the
space C[-1,1] with a generalized Chebyshev orthogonality |
16.45-17.05 |
D. Tanana, Convergence speed of Fourier series on
Y. Meyer's wavelet system in spaces |
Coffee break |
L. Pezza, Recent results on refinable bases on the
interval and applications (joint presentation with L. Gori and E. Santi) |
I. Maximenko, Non-separate wavelets for two
channel system |
M. Dehghan, Generalized Symmetric Frames |
(Chairman: M. Tchobanou)
15.30-15.50 |
G. Por, Filtering with wavelet causes aliasing is spectral estimation of signal processing |
15.55-16.15 |
A. Gotchev, Optimization Techniques in Designing
Piece-wise Polynomial Interpolators of Minimal Support (joint presentation
with K. Egiazarian) |
Coffee break
Session (D): RELATED TOPICS (Chairman: V. Ovchinnikov)
17.40-18.00 |
S. De Marchi, Numerical experiments on bivariate polynomial interpolation at new nodal sets (a joint work with M.Caliary and M.Vianello) |
18.05-18.25 |
H. Akca, Discrete Counterparts of Continuous-time
Additive |
Special Session on Bivariate Splines (Chairman: P. Sablonniere)
15.30-16.00 |
C. Conti, On a new class of bivariate convolved refinable bases (joint presentation with L. Gori) |
16.05-16.35 |
F. Zeilfelder, Data Interpolation by Splines on Triangulations |
A. Sestini, Local Hybrid Approximation for Scattered Data Fitting based on Splines (joint presentation with O. Davydov) |
Coffee break |
O. Davydov, Approximation of scattered data by direct extension of local approximations |