Scope: theoretical and practical aspects of bivariate piecewise
polynomial splines, including basis constructions, approximation
and interpolation methods, generalizations to more than two variables
and to manifolds, tension methods, spline multiresolution, applications
to scattered data fitting.
Preliminary List of Speakers
- P. Costantini (Italy)
- O. Davydov (Germany)
- Y. Demjanovich (Russia)
- A. LeMehaute (France)
- C. Manni (Italy)
- P. Sablonniere (France)
- A. Sestini (Italy)
- H. Strauss (Germany)
- F. Zeilfelder (Germany)
3. Parallel Sessions
Include 45-min lectures and 20-min talks
(A) Wavelets
- multiresolution constructions
- refinable functions and subdivision schemes
- wavelet and frame expansions
- shift invariant spaces
- algorithms for wavelet systems
- wavelet methods in approximation theory and
- differential equations
(B) Splines
- spline constructions
- approximative properties of splines
- discrete splines
- interpolation and approximation methods with splines
- applications of splines
(C) Engineering Applications
- signal and image processing
- data representation and coding theory
- applications in geophysics
- denoising
(D) Related Topics in Approximation Theory and Functional Analysis
4. Poster Session
The authors should submit the electronic copy of the abstract
to the conference address until May 1, 2003.
The abstract should be LaTeX-formatted in the style Article.
It should contain a title, names of the authors, an official
address and e-mail address and should not exceed one page.
If you need Russian visa, please, fill in all the items in the
registration form
and fax
a copy of your passport until March 25, 2003 (see comments to the registration
form for details). We will provide you "official invitations" needed for visa
formalities. These invitations will be authorized by a governmental department
and will imply obtaining a visa nearly automatically. The processing
costs will be added to the registration fee. Today price is $12 per person,
but the price is expected to be changed in near future.
If you have questions concerning visa, please, apply to
Mrs. Elena Novikova .
Two morning sessions will be substituted for cultural events.
A bus excursion over the city (or its neighborhoods) and
a boat/bus trip "Night St. Petersburg" is supposed
to be arranged. Also, we plan to arrange a visit to the tomb
of Euler. More detailed information will be given later.
Early July in St. Petersburg is usually sunny and hot, 25-27 C.
But the climate is not stable, it may happen to be raining,
it my be any temperature from 15 to 33 C.