NATO Advanced Study Institute
Asymptotic combinatorics with applications to mathematical physics
(European Summer School-2001 in Russia)
July 9-22, 2001
Saint-Petersburg, Russia
St.Petersburg Department of Steklov Mathematical Institute
of Russian Academy of Science (POMI RAN)
International Euler Mathematical Institute (EIMI)
European Mathematical Society (EMS)
Short description:
The summer school aims to observe the recent progress in the asymptotic
theory of Young tableaux and random matrices from the point of view of
combinatorics, representation theory and theory of integrable systems.
The systematic courses on the subjects and current investigations will be
Scientific Committee:
- O.Bohigas (Paris, Univ. Paris-Sud)
- E.Brezin (Paris, ENS)
- P.Deift (US, Philadelphia)
- L.Faddeev (St.Petersburg)
- K.Johansson (Stockholm KTH)
- M.Kontsevich (IHES, Bures-sur-Yvette)
- V.Malyshev (INRIA, France)
- R.Stanley (USA),
- A.Vershik (St.Petersburg, Chairman)
Organizing Committee:
V.Kazakov (Paris, ENS)
A.Lodkin (St.Petersburg)
Yu.Neretin (Moscow, Independent Univ.)
A.Okounkov (US, Berkeley)
L.Pastur (Paris, Univ. Paris-7)
- K.Kokhas' (St.Petersburg)
- E.Novikova (St.Petersburg)
- N.Tsilevich (St.Petersburg)
The main goals:
- To make known the recent progress in asymptotic representation
theory and related asymptotic combinatorics and its applications
to mathematical and statistical physics.
- To make appropriate courses on these topics for graduate students
and mathematicians who have no knowledge on the problems.
- To organize simultaneous seminars and the conference on the topic.
- To publish the proceedings of the Summer School.
- To intensify contacts between specialists and first of all between
young mathematicians from Russia and from the West.
Scientific program
Main lectures:
- Brezin E. (ENS, France) An introduction to matrix models
- Deift P. (Upenn, USA) Riemann-Hilbert Problems
- Kenyon R. (University Paris-11, France) Random maps from Z^2 to Z
- Bozejko M. (University of Wroclaw) Positive definite functions on Coxeter groups and second quantization of Young-Baxter type
- Kazakov V. (ENS, France) Matrix quantum mechanics and statistical physics on planar graphs
- Nazarov M. (University of York, UK) On the Frobenius rank of a skew Young diagram
- Okounkov A. (UCB, USA) Combinatorics and moduli spaces of curves
- Vershik A. (POMI, Russia) Asymptotic combinatorics as a theory of representation
- Borodin A. (Upenn, USA) Application of the Riemann-Hilbert problem in asymptotic representation theory
- Malyshev V. (INRIA, France) Asymptotic number of maps on surfaces: combinatorial approach
- Ol'shanski G. (IPPI, Russia) Introduction to asymptotic representation theory
- Neretin Yu. (Independent University, Russia) Poisson processes and polymorphisms
- Lascoux A. (University Marne-la-Valiee, France) The combinatorics of dimension of representations of the symmetric and linear group
- Speicher R. (University of Heidelberg, Germany) Free probability and non-crossing partitions
Lectures or seminars:
Biane Ph., Hora A., Jacobsen J.L., Korepin V., Pastur L., Zinn-Justin P.
Round Table:
Problems of the theory of random matrices
Problem sessions:
- Asymptotics of Young tableaux and random configurations;
- Theory of integrable operators and determinant processes
Poster session for students
Approximately 80 students from Belarus, France, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, UK, USA.
Contact email:
First Announcement (TeX-file)
Second Announcement (ps-file)
Final List of Participants
Final Timetable
Photo Album
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