The Harnack curves of even degree with scheme
One of the simplest variants of Hilbert's construction (see Section
1.10) leads to the construction of a series of M-curves of
with scheme
This proves that the refined
Petrovsky inequality 3.3.I for
is sharp. If
, the methods of Section 1 do not show that this
inequality is the best possible. Nonetheless, this is true, see
The refined Arnold inequality 3.3.J is best possible for any
even . If
, this can be proved using the Wiman
M-curves (see the end of Section 1.12). If
it follows using curves obtained from a modification of Wiman's
construction: the construction proceeds in exactly the same way, except
that the opposite perturbation is taken, as a result of which one
obtains a curve that can serve as the boundary of a tubular
neighborhood of an M-curve of degree
The last construction (doubling), if applied to an M-curve of odd degree,
shows that the refined Arnold inequality 3.3.K is the best possible
. If
, almost nothing is known
about sharpness of the inequality 3.3.K, except that for
the right side can be lowered by 2.